Duties and responsibilities:
An acupuncture technician, often called an acupuncture
detoxification specialist, performs an acupuncture treatment on five points of
the ear. In traditional Chinese medicine, all illnesses are believed to be
driven by an energy imbalance in the body. Acupuncture uses needles to balance
the energy of the body's pathways.
Salary Range $38,000 – $137,000
You will need to participate in a program certified by the
National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA). As an acupuncture
technician, you may find work in detox and rehabilitation programs, mental
health facilities, halfway houses and correctional facilities.

I wouldn’t like to
work as an auricular therapist because it takes a lot of nerves to do it. Also because
one always has to be exact in where to insert such things. I don’t have a lot of
patience so it wouldn’t really work with me.
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